"Committed to help Computer Science students,
a self-determined active learners"

Our Audience

CS / IT Students

We aim to create videos which will help students to understand the computer science conpcepts better. The Clarifyed contents are based on well researched learning techniques.

Job Seeking CS / IT Students

Students who are preparing for technical interviews may use our content to relearn the concepts and unlearn the misconceptions. Every content is made keeping Why, What and How of the topic in mind.

CS / IT Faculty

Clarifyed content will empower teaching faculty to deliver the content better which will cater to different learning styles. We help educators to use engaging instructional methods for effective classroom teaching.

Challenges and Solutions

Misconception in learning

Conventional learning practice creates misconception of the topics. Clarifyed will make an attempt to help them relearn the concepts correctly.

Obsolete teaching methods

Educators mostly use unmatched conventional teaching methods and Clarifyed will help them to adopt innovative and engaging teaching methods.

Bridiging the Gap

Annual skill assessment reports tells us the gap existing between Industry and Academia, this is our humble attempt to bridge the gap and make a superhighway.

Lack of motivation

When learners does not understand the Why? of a subject they may lose the motivation to learn. Clarifyed will attempt to create a curiosity and make a self-determined learner.


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